We provide end-to-end support for the management and treatment of water, wastewater, and hazardous liquid waste.
With a background in process and chemical program design, as well as the operation and optimisation of multi-discipline process plants, our team provides unparalleled support with concept-to-design management and treatment solutions for water, wastewater and hazardous liquid waste.
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to clean water consulting services, and we can offer support to an extremely wide range of clients. These are just some of the industries we work with.
Our consulting services are just the start. We’ll work closely with you to analyse your unique needs and determine an approach that works best for you.
Depending on the challenges, the next step may be the implementation of treatment, remediation or monitoring solutions. We offer a range of solutions to manage and optimise water resources, and improve the quality of water and environments.
Learn more about our clean water solutions
Purpose-designed solutions to improve water quality, from recreational water control to the treatment of drinking water and industrial wastewater.
Real-time monitoring systems to help ensure rapid response times and maintain water quality long-term.
Removal of PFAS and other contaminants from water and soil, with solutions including our patented in-situ remediation technology.
Our solutions are designed to deliver measurable value to water, wastewater and hazardous liquid waste treatment operations, plants and processes.
Learn more about how we can help you
Our multi-disciplined team will work closely with you to gain a clear understanding of your unique challenges and help develop the best possible solution.
Water & Remediation Engineer | BE Chem (Hons), Masters of Engineering